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Join Our Outdoor Classes!

Outdoor classes will be located outside of the West Acton studio, on the lawn to the left of Twin Seafood. Class sizes will be strictly limited to 8 clients per class, and attendees will be spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart. Clients will be required to wear a mask at all times and practice proper social distancing guidelines.


For more information about our policies and procedures for outdoor classes, please read our Modern Barre Outdoor Classes Policies & Procedures. We require all clients planning to enjoy these outdoor classes to take the time to read these thoroughly, and to reach out with any questions or concerns.


How To Sign Up

Pre-registration through MindBody is required at least one hour prior to class. All current credits and packages apply (including virtual credits). Space is limited. 


We currently have a limited schedule for outdoor classes. Please check the MindBody schedule and our social media pages for updates on scheduling, or join our private Outdoor Studio Facebook Group, where we will keep you updated on schedule changes, weather cancellations, and more!


In the case of weather cancellations, registered clients will be given a one-hour notice of the cancellation, and class credits will be returned.

Location West Acton (wide view).jpeg

What You Need For Class​

  • Mask or face covering that covers your nose and mouth 

  • Mat or beach towel

  • Set of weights, soup cans, or water bottles (1lbs-3lbs)

  • Water 


Please note that no equipment from the studio will be available for use, and the studio and bathrooms will not be open to the public.

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